Life Hack Part 1: Personal Vision and Goal Setting

Personal vision and goal setting

We hear so much about goal setting and the importance of having a personal vision for yourself, but why is it so important? Why are these practices so powerful and how can you make the most of them? 

Personal vision and goal setting

Why Having a Personal Vision Matters

To start, it’s important to define the terms as they can be quite misunderstood. Your vision is your destination; it’s what some might see as long-term goals. It’s what you want for yourself, the kind of life you want to have, and who you want to enjoy that life with. What you want to do and how you want to be remembered. It’s something that evolves as we do and develops over time. Our life experiences and the lessons we learn along the way bring shape to our vision and help us refine it. The clearer it is, the more guiding it is to how we show up in the world and where we want to go.

Goals are the necessary stepping stones or building blocks that take us closer to our vision’s realisation. They go hand in hand; the clearer our vision is, the more obvious our goals are. With each goal’s completion, it brings greater clarity to our vision and what our next goals should be.

The key to successful goal setting is in the scale of your goals and the time frame that’s given for completion. Having a personal vision is crucial because it serves as a compass for your life. It helps you determine what you truly want and need, steering you away from distractions and towards your true aspirations. Your vision is the framework within which your goals take shape, and it provides a sense of purpose and direction. 

person with phone in their hand opening email from coach

How to Discover Your Personal Vision

Creating a personal vision involves introspection and a deep understanding of your values, passions, and aspirations. It’s about painting a vivid picture of your ideal life. Here’s how to craft a compelling vision:

  • Reflect on your values – What principles are most important to you? Honesty, integrity, creativity, or perhaps adventure?
  • Identify your passions – What activities make you feel most alive and fulfilled?
  • Visualise your ideal life – Imagine your perfect day, year, or decade. Who are you with? What are you doing? How do you feel?
  • Write it down – Articulate your vision in clear, specific terms. The more detailed, the better.

How to Realise Your Personal Vision

So, how do you work to realise your personal vision?

One way to approach this is to set aside an hour every two weeks to work on your vision and set the complimenting goals to get you there. Over this hour, really take the time to think about your vision, the life you want to live and how you want to be remembered. You have to give yourself the space to really think about it, what it looks like and what it actually feels like. How does it feel within your body to imagine that you’ve realised your vision right now?

The clearer your vision is, the more achievable it becomes and the easier it is to set complementing goals to get you there. 

Your goals don’t need to be big. Instead, it’s better to set small, achievable actions and tasks that will take you a step closer to the realisation of your vision in the next two weeks ahead. This set duration helps to keep your goals focused, achievable and aligned with your vision. 

In the two weeks that follow, it’s time to take action on the goals that you’ve set for yourself. You might achieve some of them and others you might not, but either way you’ll learn some valuable lessons along the way. 

And the learning process is so powerful as an entrepreneur. These learnings bring greater clarity to your vision and the necessary steps to get you there. You then use these at your next allocated time to review and refine both your vision and goals for going forward. 

As this process repeats itself over and over, the learnings and accomplishments add up and accelerate you on your path. 

They bring with them a clarity in terms of who you are and want to be, focus towards where you’re going and a mass of productivity along the way. Do this properly for a month and it’ll soon become natural – and you’ll be unstoppable.

woman looking to her right

Personal Vision and Goal Setting as a Habit

To truly maximise the benefits of personal vision and goal setting, it’s important to integrate these practices into your daily life. Here are some strategies to help you do that:

  • Daily reflection – Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your vision and progress towards your goals. It’s simple, but so effective.
  • Journaling – Keep a journal to document your thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned along the way. 
  • Mindfulness practices – Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga to maintain focus and clarity. Here’s a deeper dive on mindfulness practices I wrote to help you.

The more you can do these things as a regular part of your day, the more impact they’ll have long-term as one of the most powerful habits in your toolkit.

Personal vision and goal setting are powerful tools that can transform your life. By clearly defining your vision and setting achievable goals, you create a roadmap for success. Regularly reviewing and refining your goals ensures that you stay on track and continue making progress towards your aspirations. Remember, it’s a journey of continuous learning and growth, and with each step, you get closer to the life you envision.