Feeling at ease when creating video content as a coach can feel daunting at first. But with practice, the right strategies, and a bit of encouragement, you’ll find yourself thriving in front of the camera. 

If you’re new to making video content as a coach – don’t worry. We’ve all been there once! 

Here are my top tips to get you from camera-shy to camera-confident as a coach.

1. Know Your Message for Video Content 

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Before you hit the record button, take some time to clarify your message. What is your mission as a coach? Who are you trying to reach? Understanding these elements will guide your content and keep you focused. For instance, if you’re a yoga instructor, you might create instructional videos for your classes or engaging snippets for social media. Knowing your message helps in crafting content that resonates with your audience.

In essence, you need to know your niche.

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These are two different types of coaching videos you might want to create: teaching videos and social media videos. For these, you might want to use different cameras

Have your message clear in your mind about how you can help people in your videos. Your mission should be at the forefront of your mind, both when you’re creating your course and when you’re promoting it online.

2. Feel the Fear and Create Video Content Anyway

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If video content is something you’re really passionate and serious about, this doesn’t mean you might not also be nervous. Fear is natural when trying something new. Remember how nervous you felt on a first date or a first day at high school?

The key is to not inhibit ourselves. 

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Practice mindfulness to calm your nerves. Spend a few moments breathing deeply and centering yourself before recording. This can make a huge difference in your comfort level on camera. 

It’s ok to be scared. And it’s ok to feel that fear, and do it anyway.

3. Reach Out for Help in Creating Video Content

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None of us are experts in everything. Coaching is what I do. I know business. I do not, however, know anything about jellyfish farming, for example. And if I did want to know about it, then I’d sure as hell turn to an expert. 

If you’re feeling lost, reach out to people whose work you admire. If you want to learn something yourself, you can always offer assistance or your own skills in return for a couple hours of mentoring. A lot of people are open to it and open to making connections. 

So if ever you feel like you’re getting over your head – reach out.

4. Get Comfortable With the Camera

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Make sure your filming environment looks nice. Make sure you look good. Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and authentic. Your viewers want to see the real you, so don’t feel pressured to always appear perfect. A natural, relaxed appearance fosters a sense of intimacy and trust with your audience.

But if you look good, you’ll feel good. 

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People want to see you in your day-to-day life, looking natural as well. Not made up everytime. People want to be invited into your home. Your space. Your environment. 

Remember, you want to make connections that are authentic. This means showing people the real you. 

There’s a sense that there’s a closeness and even a friendship there. This builds trust through this closeness and encourages people to feel safe in reaching out. 

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The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become. Start with short, simple videos and gradually increase their complexity. Review your recordings to identify areas for improvement. Remember, perfection is not the goal—authenticity is. Every video is a learning opportunity.

And as you receive feedback, incorporate it into your future videos. Continuous improvement is key to becoming a successful content creator. Be open to new ideas and willing to adapt based on the feedback you receive.

Remember, the more open you are to feedback and the more confident you get with creating video content, the more people will want to engage with your videos. Enjoy the journey and get creating!

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