How to Get Comfortable Making Video Content as a Coach

Entrepreneur working on personal branding video content

Practice is the number one thing that helps you get comfortable making video content. There are lots of aspects you need to keep in mind, but grounding yourself will help you tell your message as a coach.

Having lots of mediums for your message is great to try out what works for you.

If you’re new to making video content as a coach – don’t worry. We were all there once. 

It’s very simple. Helping people get their message out there and thrive is what I love to do. I’ve creative a list of how to get comfortable creating video content as a coach.

Here we go;


1. Know Your Message 

Take some time to sit down and be with yourself. What is your mission? Who do you want to connect with?

Coaches are are form of healer, sometimes. And even spiritual guides, depending on which area your work is in. 

(Side note – I spoke previously about the benefits of working in your identified niche area.)

Whatever your message is, it could change day to day. But have some idea of what you want to put out overall. 

Perhaps you’re a yoga teacher. You might want to make videos for classes. And you might want to put out some video content on social media as well. These are just examples. If you’re creating a course, video is a great way to promote it.

These are two different forms – teaching videos and social media videos – and can use different cameras

Have your message in your mind in how you can help people in your videos. 

Your mission should be at the forefront of your mind both when you’re creating your course and when you’re promoting it online.


2. Feel the Fear 

If video content is something you’re really passionate and serious about – you might be nervous. 

The key is to not inhinbit ourselves. 

Don’t think too much before you hit “record.” 

Being mindful can help here. Taking some time when we’re not working to sit with ourselves and see how we feel. 

It’s ok to be scared. And it’s ok to feel that fear, and do it anyway.


3. Reach Out

None of us are experts in everything. Coaching is what I do. I know business. I do not know jelly fish farming. And if I did want to know about it – I’d ask an expert. 

If you’re feeling lost, reach out to people whose work you admire. If you want to learn something yourself – you can always offer assistance or your own skills in return for a couple hours of mentoring. A lot of people are open to it and open to making connections. 

So when you’re getting over your head – reach out.


4. Get Comfortable

Make sure your filming environment looks nice. Make sure you look good. 

If you’re experienced, great, but if not, don’t worry. Feeling a bit lost is that’s normal. 

But if you look good, you’ll feel good. 

People want to see you in your day-to-day life, looking natural as well. Not made up everytime. People want to be invited into your home. Your space. Your invironment. 

It’s intimate. 

 There’s a sense that there’s a closeness and even a friendship there. This builds trust through this closeness and encourages people to feel safe in reaching out. 

So make sure your set up looks nice, you feel good, and everything looks as good as it can, before you hit “record.”

What do you think it the best medium for coaches? Video? Blog? Email? All?

Let me know. And if you’re looking for help in any of those areas – I’m your man. Shoot us a message and we can talk.